Cindy Royal

The Circle of Life - students interviewing students

Mairin Heard and Kristin McCasland, both grad students working on this project, are interviewing Dee Kapila of  She was one of my students last year, and participated on our blog project. Now, she’s the head of a panel (that I will be on) taking place on Monday, Gaming as a Gateway Drug: Getting Girls […]

Matt is one of my former students who has taken his Web design skills and parlayed an exciting career. He’s at SXSWi to get some ideas to bring back to his coworkers.

I had a very lovely chat with Adam and Wendy of It is their first visit to SXSW, and they are here to support their online business, eco-friendly pet  items and services.  They have some great ideas for social media that include Twitter, online video and Ustream.  Check out their site. Sorry the audio […]

Friday at SXSW Interactive

So, the Interactive is starting! I got here early, got my badge, met up with our talented friend Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon of the Statesman, and now I’m getting ready for panels to begin at 2pm. Things are already getting very busy here. The registration lines are snaking around the 1st floor. Lots of excitement, people are […]

Earlier this week, Jon Stewart “shook his fist” at Twitter. Take a look at the hilarious video!   The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Daily Show on Facebook

Mairin and Lewis on OJB

Mairin Heard and Lewis Knight were in-studio guests on KTSW’s Orange Juice and Biscuits, talking about They did a great job promoting the project, talking about the fun we are going to have at SXSWi.