Cindy Royal

By Josh Shepherd Molly Crabapple (Jennifer Caban) is heading up a fantastic SXSW panel idea titled “Selling Subculture Without Selling Out.” The basic idea is that the “panel will teach marketers how to work with subcultural tastemakers and the indie kids will learn how to make money without selling out.” An underground artist and entrepreneur, […]

By Dale Blasingame A lot of people have web sites these days. A lot of people, including businesses, have web sites where no one interacts or feels the need to come back. That’s where Stephen Anderson comes in. Anderson, a web design consultant, has created a panel called The Art and Science of Seductive Interactions […]

Preview: Visual Note-Taking 101

by Carly Smith Austin Kleon is a writer who draws, or at least that’s how he describes himself. According to Kleon, he is “a visual thinker who is obsessed with the art of communicating with pictures and words, together.” After drawing notes and presentations at SXSWi 2009, Austin, along with Sunni Brown, Mike Rohde and […]

I’m happy to announce that our SXTXState project won an award in the AEJMC Best of the Web competition. We took 2nd place in the Journalism category, and I was told that there were > 30 entries in the category. We worked very hard last March, and I’m extremely proud of the efforts of the […]

Jon Zmikly asks Chris Anderson about the relationship between The Long Tail and Free. Good question, says Chris. That’s great, because it’s the exit question that I have had on the study guide for the past three semesters!

Pics from the Big Digg Shindig

A huge crowd showed up for the live Diggnation at Stubbs. Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht greeted their throngs of tech fans and proceeded to the couch for some beer and news. What a party. It felt like a rock concert, and these guys are definitely rock stars of the tech world.