February 2019

Preview: The [Not so Subtle] Sci-Fi Influence on Tech CEO's

With the technological advances humans have made in the past century—decade even—to someone from the past it may seem as if we’re living in a futuristic, Star Trek-like world. Many even attribute the speed and success of our innovation to science-fiction television, film and literature. For someone like Malka Older, sci-fi and tech play an […]

Diversity: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements — especially: the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. — Merriam-Webster Jason Lambert, Ph.D., has spent the past 10 years in managerial roles promoting diversity in the workplace. Initially, diversity is […]

Preview: The eSports Gamification of Real Sports

Over the years, there has been a distinct growth in population for gamers. This growth in population has led to newer opportunities. With a high interest in video game participation and the enjoyment of video game streaming, eSports provides engaging experiences that reconstructs the way one views sporting events.

Weekly News Roundup February 5-11

Jill Abramson Fends Off Accusations, Insists She Did Not Plagiarize Author, and former New York Times Executive Editor, Jill Abramson continues to face backlash after “Vice News Tonight” correspondent Michael Moynihan accused Abramson of plagiarizing content in her new book “Merchants of Truth”. The book follows four news organizations—The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, and Vice […]

Arroyo Seco

NASA hopes to reach everyone and it’s in our charter to do so. But of course inspiring the next generation to not only learn about science but go into a STEM field is a goal as well because we need a future workforce. – Heather Doyle