Panel Recap: Eddy Cue: Curation in Media – Why It Matters

For today’s tech panel, Apple’s very own senior VP Eddy Cue sits down with CNN’s senior reporter Dylan Byers to talk about Apple’s lead in the industry for innovation and products. Byers opens the floor by discussing the process behind Apple’s News app and how it differs from other social media and media outlets. Cue responds saying that Apple wants to share diverse media content that has many different perspectives and viewpoints. He mentions one of the many problems with news is that people tend only to read news that is from their viewpoint. It is common for people to engage in media that is different, which is why Apple tries to include stories with a fresh perspective. Even though the Apple News app does allow users to filter news outlets of their choice, Cue explains that Apple chooses the reliable outlets for users to read and keep connected.

When talking about having such a huge platform, Byers asks his thoughts on whether there is a responsibility for having an outlet that is in an open platform market or content. Cue’s response:

We think when you have a large platform there is a lot of responsibility.

Because of the responsibilities of being on such a massive platform, Cue remarks that Apple has a bunch of rules and guidelines that they stick to, which does not always make people happy. Cue reassures that Apple does promote free speech and shares such news pieces on the Apple News app. However, Apple does not allow things like white supremacy and hate speech to be on their platform. These guidelines also follow to Apple’s other apps that are accessible to smartphone consumers. Cue says they have a team that reviews apps to make sure that the apps follow the guidelines before being passed to be downloadable through Apple.

Byers then moves the conversation to Apple’s philosophy in doing small projects and producing few products at a time. Byers compares them to Netflix by saying they go all in by getting celebrities and paying top dollar to get recognizable people to see profit from their shows. He then questions when companies like Netflix are going all in to produce content like this, why does Apple not do the same? Notably, Cue comments that Apple is all in. However, they are different because they are not about quantity but quality. They don’t try to sell the most smartphones but try to concentrate to create the best possible smartphone.

Then the question that everyone was hoping to hear Byers ask, which was when will he “graduate” from looking at a screen on his Apple phone. As the audience waits for news about a new product, Cue says that he has been working for Apple for 10 years and hopes to keep working there for more years. While the audience and Byers may not have gotten the newest news for Apple’s new product, Cue did answer Byers’ questions about VR taking over. Cue responds by saying that phones are not something that will go away, having a screen and having the capabilities of touch that make the phone an incredible device.

The panel was not only notable but insightful about Apple and the process of their philosophy. Both Byers and Cue had a natural conversation that was enjoyable to listen in on and witness. This was indeed one of the top panels to have been a part of this SXSW 2018.

Find out more: Eddy Cue: Curation in Media – Why It Matters

Featured image: Stock Snapp

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