Preview: Tower Recall: How UT Shooting Changed the Media

The first mass shooting to take place on a college campus happened right here in Austin, Texas in 1966. From this unforgettable tragedy emerged the creation of SWAT teams, and also changed the way journalism covered events such as this. I was fortunate enough to speak with Chris Elley, Principal of Electro-Fish, about the upcoming […]

Preview: Media War: Platforms vs Publishers & Influencers

Jessica Best is the Head of Editorial at Blendle and former news editor at the DailyMirror. With a passion in journalism and skills in digital, Best naturally found herself a part of a panel discussion where both come together. In modern day, there is a battle between publishers and social influencers. Best describes her background with me and shares a sneak peek on what […]

Preview: How Technology Has Impacted Graphic Design

Sara Shields is an Instructor at Texas State University in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She teaches web design and publishing courses for undergraduate students. Besides her teaching position, Shields also freelances in web design and video production including her new graduation video announcements named Ennoucements. She was recently the Artist Design and Branding […]

Top 5 Panels for Millennials

The term “millennial” has somehow become synonymous with negative words such as “entitled,” “narcissistic,” or even “lazy.” How did these labels get tied to an entire generation of people? What can we do to overcome these stereotypes? According to Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, Millennials now make up over a third of […]

Cropped SXSW banner image for Joe Seifi

Joe Seifi, a senior javascript engineer for Trulia, has a passion for web development. After all, he’s been working as a web developer since 1998. In the past, Seifi has worked on major front end architecture teams for both Apple and Disney. His experience and knowledge in the coding field should make his panel, CSS in React: […]

Preview: Advocating VR and Gaming in Hospitals

JJ Bouchard is the Patient Technology Coordinator at CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan. If you’ve never heard of the Patient Technology Coordinator profession, that’s probably because Bouchard is the first of its kind. Bouchard started as a Child Life Specialist with a role to help normalize the hospital experience for the patients […]

Weekly News Roundup Feb. 10-17

Pokémon Go releases Generation II Pokémon The Pokémon Go team  has announced a new generation for the first time since it’s initial launch in July 2016. Trainers, over 80 more Pokémon and new features are here! https://t.co/7hUwB1wVBAhttps://t.co/9gVfrwaemA — Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 16, 2017 Summary of what was announced: Additional Pokémon, New Evolutions, New Encounter Gameplay, New Berries, New Avatars […]