TBT: Dee Kapila

Throwback Thursday – To commemorate the 10th year of SXTXState, each Thursday we’ll be featuring past participants in the project. Check back each Thursday until SXSW to find out what SXTXState alumni remember from their time with the project and what they are up to now. In 2008, Dee Kapila graduated from Texas State University […]

TBT: Joshua Shepherd

Throwback Thursday – To commemorate the 10th year of SXTXState, each Thursday we’ll be featuring past participants in the project. Check back each Thursday until SXSW to find out what SXTXState alumni remember from their time with the project and what they are up to now. Joshua Shepherd graduated from Texas State University in 2011. […]

TBT: Jordan Lloyd

Throwback Thursday – To commemorate the 10th year of SXTXState, each Thursday we’ll be featuring past participants in the project. Check back each Thursday until SXSW to find out what SXTXState alumni remember from their time with the project and what they are up to now. Like all former SXTXState members, Jordan Lloyd got her start […]

Preview: Get Out, Be In: What I’ve Learned Working Remotely

Over a year ago, David Weaver, EVP of Barkley Advertising, decided to try something different with his career. He sold most of his belongings, and moved to an isolated region of Vermont to begin working remotely full-time. This March at SXSW Interactive, Weaver intends to share insights that he has learned since making the switch, […]

Preview: Cyber Arms Control: How to Make Our World Safer

Sean Kanuck is a professional attorney by training, a strategic consultant, and, in an academic setting, has recently re-affiliated with Stanford University. For the last 16 years, Kanuck worked for the United States government in the intelligence community. He worked in the CIA for 11 years and then in the Office of Director of National […]

Top 5 Food Inspired Technology Panels

The 21st Century is here and it is taking the food world by storm. When thinking about all of the ways to grab lunch, more than a few come to mind. Without technology inspired foods we would never have the options to order in via drones with UberEats, have a box of food delivered in […]

Preview: Our Skip Button Love Affair

Everywhere you go online these days, you are inevitably inundated with some sort of advertising. It has become second nature to look for the button that allows you to skip an ad, or sometimes you may even just scroll past an ad without even noticing it. How do advertisers adjust their methods in a world […]