Virtual Life’s a Drag: Queering VR Recap

Joshua Morrison, a former SXTXState team member, along with his fellow panelists, Alison Bennet, Illya Szilak and Liss Lafleur held a unique and mind-opening approach to their topic that gave the audience a new perspective to think about.

In this panel, “Virtual Life’s a Drag: Queering VR“, the panelists mash up two separate concepts, virtual reality and queerness, and find a connection between them and demonstrate it through art. Like virtual reality, gender identity is not a fixed concept. It can be shifted depending on every person’s story, just as virtual reality is always changing.

Throughout the entire panel, the work of digital drag artists was playing in the background, so the audience can get a sense of how the two concepts collide into one. I was able to speak to Alison Bennet to get more insight on what she wanted the audience to leave with after attending their panel.


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