The #TechAndPet meet up at SXSW Interactive called for all lovers of technology and pets to come together to mingle, explore the ins and outs of the tech profession and share our love for animals. Michael Root, CTO of DogVacay, began his discussion with the audience speaking about his experience working with previous technology companies in the past and what the “tech industry” is all about. He began discussing the profession by confessing his old habits as a workaholic and a terrible leader.
“I was not the leader I wanted to be. I wasn’t concerned about the employers under me, I was more concerned about how they affected my day.”

Working 120-hour weeks to the point where his stress nearly resulted in a heart attack, Root said it changed his life forever. That’s when I focused on balancing my life.” He started balancing his life by sleeping more hours at night, working fewer hours a week, focusing on his nutrition and taking one task at a time. He went on to talk about how becoming the professional you want to be, it starts with you.
“Before working at DogVacay, I worked at tech companies for the sake of being in the tech industry. Now I build software that helps the planet, so now I work for a purpose.”
Ever since leaving companies he previously worked for, Root has found a home at DogVacay. His passion for helping the environment while still maintaining a career in the field he dedicates his life to has become his reality. Luckily for Root, pets now surround him at his office and at home,“…when dogs are around it creates a calming effect in the workplace.” That sounds like a dream job to me!
After my time at the meet up, I was able to get a short interview with Hector Rodriguez, a #TechAndPet attendee from Canada, and asked him what he was most excited to see at SXSW this year! Watch the clip below to see what he looks forward to the most this week.