Throwback Thursday – To commemorate the 10th year of SXTXState, each Thursday we’ll be featuring past participants in the project. Check back each Thursday until SXSW to find out what SXTXState alumni remember from their time with the project and what they are up to now.
Before becoming VP of Marketing and Innovation at the Texas Restaurant Association, Anna Tauzin was a student at Texas State University with dreams to reach and goals to achieve.
At the young age of 10, most kids spent their spare time riding a bike or watching television. For Tauzin, she found herself spending all her free time starting a neighborhood newsletter for fun. She went on to work for her high school newspaper and even volunteered for the Austin Advocate, a street newspaper dedicated to helping the homeless in Austin, to be a voice for a cause she was passionate about. Before attending Texas State University, Tauzin went to Austin Community College and worked for their student newspaper, along with an independent publication called The Austin Student.

With a burning passion in the field, naturally Tauzin studied for her Masters’ degree in journalism and public affairs from American University. After her time at American University, she worked for J-Lab researching news models, managing databases, learning how to solve business problems with technology, creating marketing plans for the center and eventually networking with some of the best professional journalist of our time. As foreign as the technology atmosphere would seem to Tauzin, it was a challenge she took and conquered. She would later move away from journalism, into the digital world.
“I started absorbing projects from IT and other departments that had languished, bringing them back to life or starting from scratch as needed. Along the way, I started to understand the motivation and brilliance of small business owners, especially restaurant operators. I learned more about their business and met some great mentors. Ultimately I ended up as a senior marketer and subject matter expert related to tech and innovation in the restaurant business. After almost six years at the NRA (#BunsNotGuns), a position opened up at the Texas Restaurant Association. Having just moved back to Texas to be near family, it was a no-brainer that I should accept the challenge/role and help Texas restaurants.” – Anna Tauzin

At this point in Tauzin’s career, she referred back to some of the skills she acquired from her college years to help her with her transition from journalism to digital and tech. Where did Tauzin gain the digital skills during her time at Texas State University, you might ask?
“With Dr. Royal, I learned that tech and digital media skills that I had previously only dabbled in could lead to a really amazing career. It was fun to tell stories with data and design.” – Anna Tauzin
Currently, as the VP of Marketing and Innovation for the Texas Restaurant Association, Tauzin is responsible for creating marketing and communication plans, and overseeing execution on PR, digital properties, design and social media. She also spends time building project proposals for board initiatives, managing and mentoring her team of employees.
Tauzin aims to someday become Chief Innovation/Digital Officer or CEO of a company or brand most likely in tech or food.
You can find Anna Tauzin on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or her personal website here! A big thank you to Anna Tauzin for sharing her professional and personal experiences with me for this interview.