Designing diversity and bypassing unconscious bias

A lot of people can agree that the lack of diversity in the workplace is a major problem. It has become something of a truism to say that the workplace is disproportionately dominated by white men. If so many people agree that this problem exists, then why does it still loom? Why isn’t change happening […]

How to Fight ISIS without breaking the Internet

This is a very ongoing issue in the present day. There have been videos from ISIS on the internet which has struck fear in the eyes of many people around the world. Emma Llanso, Shahed Amanullah, Lisl Brunner and Rebecca Mackinnon have a conversation on debunking the many myths and the alternatives on which to […]

Law and Policy Fundamentals of the Sharing Economy

Gerard Stegmaier discussed consumer protection, labor and employment law, privacy and data security, antitrust and competition policy, and industry-specific licensure in relation to big data, the sharing economy and the Internet of things. First and foremost he shared with us a quote from Mark Zuckerberg “Run fast and break stuff.” To start off what is […]

NASA and the journey to Mars

NASA is planning for the 2023 manned trip into deep space and around the moon. Then, what they hope to be a decade later, the trip to Mars. Astronauts Jessica Meir and Victor Glover, Lead Systems Engineer Yves Lamothe, Orion Mission Planner Nujoud Merancy and Spacecraft Integration and Evolution Manager Chris Crumbly all participated in […]

Making Distributed Content Work In News

Many companies like Facebook and Snapchat are asking the media to forgo their websites and and publish directly to their platforms. Each of the panelist briefly talked about their companies and some of the opportunities and challenges of distributed content. Kim Bui, Deputy Managing Editor at reported.ly, talks about where the team is dispersed throughout the […]

Why Happiness Is Hard and How to Make It Easier

Andy Puddicombe, meditation teacher, former Buddhist monk and co-founder of Headspace led the closing keynote at SXSW Interactive 2016. The talk provided insight into Puddicombe’s philosophy behind the possibilities for finding inner peace in the modern world. At an event for young innovators, early adopters and all-around incredibly tech focused and busy people, Puddicombe joked […]

Nonstop Connectivity: Striving for Ubiquity

In the past, getting on a plane was a short getaway from the digital world. For a few hours, you were able to not have to focus on answering emails. But in today’s world, we get upset when we get on planes that don’t have access to wifi. This plugged in mentality has affected how […]