SXSW Marketing Expo Through Google Glass

The SXSW marketing EXPO allows start ups to established brands a place to set up booths and focus on introducing new products promoting special deals and serve as a general trade show. Using Google Glass today I walked through the marketing expo to see the hundreds of booths that vendors had set up to display […]
Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald appeared before an audience 10x smaller then Edward Snowden’s panel. He didn’t need to be patched through 7 proxies to speak with SXSW, and he spoke from what looked like an office in his house. His panel hit home on what journalism should be. For the people. His work with Snowden has been […]
The Future is Wearables, What It Means for Marketers
If Content Is King Who Is Sheriff ?

I spoke with Kristina Easthham early in the year on the panel. Coming from an agency perspective, a copywriting perspective, a journalism perspective and a multi media perspective the panel was well represented in the different areas to talk about the moderation of content that is being produced online. The panelist spoke about the complexities […]
Embarrassing Bodies: Multiplatform Medical Taboos

These days, multiplatform programming is becoming more of a necessity to TV producers. Although now being adopted by more and more producers, Embarrassing Bodies is a medicial TV show in the UK that was one of the first to adopt the concept in 2007. It has been hugely successful. A quick Google search results in […]
How Overcrowded Asian Cities Inspire Innovation

When the words “overcrowded Asian cities”, images of crowded streets, polution and even chaos comes to mind. Rearly would you think “innovation” instead. However, these overcrowded cities are buzzing with new ideas and innovation primarily because of need and neccessity to overcome problems associated with maximum cities. Tara Hierbet is an Asian Trend, Innovation and Urban […]