March 2014

Gary Vaynerchuck Tells You How To Rock SXSW

Gary Vaynerchuck – entrepreneur, celebrated social media guru and public speaker – was one of the first panels to talk at SXSW Friday. As a long time SXSW attendee, Gary’s panel seemed to be a mix of solid, veteran SXSW advice, as well as adrenaline and fuel to get the crowd sparked for five days […]

The Future of Non-Profits is Digital

David Neff of PwC Advisory gathered a handful of non-profit professionals to briefly discuss some trends for the future of non-profits at a meet up “What is the Future of Non-Profits?” on the first day of SXSWi. Neff said non-profits should start sending short snippets of information to adhere to millennials and generation Z’s online […]


Grumpy Cat is female. Let’s start with that essential information. Tardar Sauce, better known to the Internet world as Grumpy Cat, is not only a famous cewebrity (see what I did there?), but she also is a spokescat for Friskies now. As a brand ambassador, she travels the country for big events. That means she’s […]

Black Social TV

We all know that Social Media has immense power, but enough power to change storylines on TV shows and even who is cast them? Surely, those decisions are in the hands of the powers that be? Well, apparently, that power really is the people. Lynessa Williams, a social media strategist and public relations professional along […]

Think Content First, Navigation Second

In this digital age, everyone is jumping on the digital bandwagon and wanting to be online. Rightfully so! Any company or organization worth its’ salt knows that in order to survive, you must evolve, adapt and embrace change! However, one fundamental thing still remains the same. Content is King! Jon Setzen is a Creative Director […]