March 2013

Visual Bites: Culinary on the Web

Christian Remde – a food videographer in Austin, Alex Kakoyiannis who works for a culinary agency, Sara Roberton, Creative Director at KLRU TV and Aaron Franklin, owner of the infamous Franklin BBQ all came together to discuss the popularity of culinary on the web. How did culinary become a hot topic on the web? documentaries […]

Impressions of SXSWi 2013

This is the sixth year of the SXTXState project and my ninth year attending Interactive. As I slowly make the transition to Music, after an afternoon of rest, rejuvenation, vitamins and hydration, I thought it would be a good time to capture some of my overall impressions of the event. The three main themes that […]

blaine matheiu

Monday in the Omni, four back-to-back sessions featured work and career advice. The panels included topics of positive blind spots, individually in teamwork, leadership and autodidactic learning. First, speaker Cameron Lord discussed the importance of owning our own skills and weaknesses. Instead of focusing on what we don’t do well and trying to improve those […]

core conversation

Dr. Cindy Royal, an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University-San Marcos, explores how to prepare students for careers in a rapidly changing media industry with New York Times Editor of Interactive News Aron Pilhofer.

after the hackathon panel

A recap of Dave Haynes, Kara Silverman, Jarod Reyes and Joel Franusic’s panel on the current state of hackathonswhat to do with the energy and creativity sparked at the event.