I’m Into Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet

Dr. Cindy Royal, an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University-San Marcos, explores how to prepare students for careers in a rapidly changing media industry with New York Times Editor of Interactive News Aron Pilhofer.



  1. The Hipster Learning approach is genius. At first it made me laugh, then I realized how practical and serious it is. In the slideshow, Cindy said, “Things change. Rapidly.” As a grad student in her program, I believe that apart from the coding skills the most important thing she has taught me is that the learning never stops. After graduation, I want a job that challenges me and forces me to learn new skills on my own. I will always keep Pilhofer’s advice in mind and use my personal curiosity as an avenue to finding new information, people and communities, so when a new job comes into existence, I’ll be ready to pounce.

  2. In the video clip Aron Pilhofer gives great advice. I like that he mentions it is important to be passionate about something. This is something I tell students who are undecided about their majors about. Find something you are passionate about. A subject that you enjoy learning. This seemed like a great and informative session.

  3. I think having a passion for what you do is so important. If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing, you’re not going to give it your all and you’re not going to be happy doing what you do. When you are passionate about what you are doing, you are constantly learning, and I think that is very important especially when we are being groomed for jobs that do not even exist yet. We must be constantly learning and evolving our skills so we’re ready when these jobs appear.

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