Never mind the game. Everyone knows the real stars of the Super Bowl are the ads. The biggest advertising win in Sunday’s game, however, wasn’t a TV commercial. Oreo won the ad Super Bowl when it tweeted this during the half-hour power outage at the game.
Power out? No problem. http://pic.twitter.com/dnQ7pOgC
It was hailed as a brilliant example of advertisers thinking on their feet and great use of social media. The ad is simple, but consider the time it normally takes an advertising teem to come up with an idea, develop a design concept, finalize the wording, create the graphic, get it all approved (which usually requires repeating the first four steps) and blast it out over the appropriate medium. Oreo’s team did all that in less than a half hour. Needless to say, we weren’t the only ones who were impressed.
Why marketers never stop working. Great ad by #Oreo after the Superbowl power outage. brandchannel.com/home/post…. #social #Mondelez
The big news on the SXSW front this week was Monday’s announcement that former Vice President Al Gore will return to speak at the 2013 conference, and attendees are excited to see him again.
I’m not working SXSW the day Al Gore will be there so there’s a chance I could see him speak!!!!!!!
Al Gore & Sean Parker Digital Democracy SXSW / Goody Awards @SParker
Gore shared the stage with Sean Parker at SXSW Interactive in 2012. This time around, the former vice president is set to discuss his new book, The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change.
It wasn’t huge news when Dell made the official announcement of its $24 billion buyout Tuesday, because we’d heard rumblings of that for weeks before. What is turning heads, however, is the fact that Southern Asset Management, Dell’s largest shareholder, is fighting the deal.
RT @BBCBusiness: Dell shareholder to fight buy-out bbc.in/W5oPs1
Dell deal in doubt as Michael and Co. refuse to raise price, likely spiking a shareholder war tnw.to/f0bUc by @alex
The investment firm, which owns about 8.5 percent of Dell’s shares, filed its objection with the Securities Exchange Commission.
Check back next Friday for more of the top tech news of the week.
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