Brainstorming Technology First
Saturday, March 9 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Will Turnage works at advertising agency R/GA, but his panel will cover technology. He admits that a tech panel isn’t what you expect from the Art and Inspiration category at SXSW Interactive.
“But that’s kind of the point,” says Turnage. He’s excited about the intersection of art and technology that his panel will bring.
“SXSW is about exploring one trend, but we’re going to focus on what happens when disciplines collide.”
Turnage will address a common problem among creatives: brainstorming ideas that are feasible in a way that keeps the technology team from saying “No” to new ideas. The panel is geared toward individuals who are involved in the innovation process at their respective companies. But Turnage is clear that doesn’t just mean the “creativity director” at your office.
“I don’t think creativity is the domain of a few people,” says Turnage. “Some of the best ideas have come from other people that aren’t necessarily creative directors.”
Turnage’s expertise on the topic includes working with accounts from all over the world. He shared that it’s important to have an understanding that different groups have different needs and organizational structures. He asserts that brainstorming technology first is a framework, and admits that “a one size fits all approach doesn’t always work.”
When asked what he’s most looking forward to at SXSW, he didn’t hesitate. “The food.”
He also added that he loves meeting and interacting with people. He likened getting a feel for where things are going and projects people are working on to “taking a pulse” of the direction of technology.
A veteran of SXSW, Turnage is excited to return and share this unique panel that he has tailored specifically for this event and environment. He encourages interested attendees to contact him about what they’re hoping to get out of his panel and what they would like him to cover. Tweet interests and ideas to Will at @wubbahed.