- KUT-FM’s Austin Music Map
From Argentine tango to marching bands in canoes, music permeates every facet of life in Austin, often in unexpected ways.
KUT-FM’s Austin Music Map combines digital audio and video, data and mapping, radio broadcast and user generated content to explore Austin’s eclectic music scene. Lead Producer Delaney Hall calls it a chance for community members to “drop in on all these different little musical worlds around the city.”
The Minor Mishap Marching Band on Barton Creek from Austin Music Map on Vimeo.
Hall will speak at the 2013 South-by-Southwest Interactive Festival on a panel exploring how public radio stations can and should think outside the studio, using innovative storytelling techniques to cover their communities. Titled “Localore Plays Austin: Speaker<>Street<>Screen,” this panel will explore Austin Music Map as a sort of case study.
The Web is a new form in which media producers are interacting with their audiences more, Hall said.
“It’s important for public media to figure out how to bring public media values and approaches to this new form,” she said.
Austin Music Map is one of 10 projects across the country produced by the Association of Independents in Radio (AIR) as part of its Localore initiative. Localore is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and involves public media projects that blend new media technologies with traditional radio broadcast to tell local communities’ stories. Participating stations have developed projects that work in collaboration with the communities they serve.
Hall joins AIR Media Strategist Jessica Clark and Zeega Editor in Chief Kara Oehler on this panel, the three representing what Hall called the collaborative triangle that developed Austin Music Map.
A group of interactive designers, Zeega oversaw the design and development of Austin Music Map. Hall said Oehler will discuss the more technical aspects of creating the project, as well as upcoming projects inspired by work with Austin Music Map. She even hinted attendees may hear about an open source tool allowing others to create their own interactive maps.
“Localore Plays Austin: Speaker<>Street<>Screen” is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Friday, March 8, at Austin Convention Center room 12 AB.