By: Chelsea Roeder It’s no surprise that technology is quickly taken over our everyday lives. Everywhere we turn we are surrounded by it. With everyday life slowly making its connection to technology it is no surprise that books are making the same move. With the move from hard copies of books to e-books comes a new […]

Even in hard economic times like the ones we are living through right now, people have ideas for new businesses and pursue them in hopes of a new lucrative career. In Brooklyn, New York, there has been a recent rise in food entrepreneurs trying to make a living by selling anything from cookies to organic […]

Preview: Does it take a superhero to teach a supersized class?

The most intriguing education panel during SXSWedu (which will also be presented during SXSW Interactive) in March 2012 just might be Supersizing the Classroom: 3000 Students & Beyond with Virginia Tech’s John Boyer and Katie Pritchard. For years Boyer’s highly popular Geography 1014 World Regions class kept outgrowing every classroom space due to student word-of-mouth recommendations. For […]

Preview: The State of Social Marketing

“The State of Social Marketing” will look at current and future trends in social, and how companies can best utilize these trends for growth.  Brad McCarty, the North American editor of The Next Web, will give a 10 minute presentation on the three most essential changes in social marketing over the next year, and then a panel […]

Mention computer programming and many intelligent and fairly computer-savvy college-bound youngsters and adults metaphorically throw up their hands, assuming it’s too hard and certainly way beyond them. As a result, relatively few study programming in college, a reality that caused enough concern for Microsoft, Intel Foundation, Google,Iomega, and the MIT Media Lab research consortia, not to mention the National Science […]

Preview: Don't Just Sell Things: Change the World

SXSW Interactive 2012 welcomes the panel, “Don’t Just Sell Things: Change the World”, which will detail how companies can change the world for the better.  In today’s transparent and ever-changing world corporate responsibility has never been more important. The panelists will explain how companies can merge technology, design and social responsibility. Cindy Gallop Cindy Gallop […]