If you have been poring over the SXSW Interactive schedule for the tech-related panels that interest you the most, you may have overlooked some of the opportunities to be found at some of the lounges or other social events and parties that are around to be sampled.
Can you sense the buzz of anticipation and excitement rising as SXSWi is finally just a week away? You can bet that many of the presenters and those with new or updated tech releases being readied for the big day are going on adrenaline and are running a little short on sleep.
Who are you eagerly anticipating getting to see? What hidden gems will you discover? And where are all the hot social events?
One great source that should help you find more of those great parties is the SXSW Side Parties Database 2012. You can search by which of the SXSW events you are attending (film, music, interactive, or other), a particular night, whether the party is free, and even whether it offers free food and drinks.
Opening day at SXSWi includes a meetup at The Ginger Man over a few beers (or ciders, or whatever) for the “mobile nut, mobile blogger, mobile developer, mobile entrepreneur.” For more on the future of mobility, you may want to drop by the Gemalto Mobile IDEA/NEXT Lounge Friday afternoon. Then that evening, the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon takes place, with some $46K in prizes up for grabs.
Google offers a variety of attractions, including fun events, talks, and happy hour at their “Google Village” set up March 10-11 a short walk from the Austin Convention Center on Rainey Street. Vic Gundotra, Google SVP of Engineering for Social, participates in a fireside chat with Guy Kawasaki discussing the future of Google+. And for those attending SXSW later in the week, Google offers two evenings of rooftop concerts.

Is your passion the intersection of technology and music? Then the Mobile Roadie & Friends MusicTech Meetup at SXSW 2012 on Tuesday, Mar . 13 may be the meetup for you. Check it out.
One centralized place to find info on both the official and unofficial meetups is at Lanyrd.com. Lanyrd offers much more, though, than just the meetups. It’s a tool that can help you at any conference you attend, not just SXSWi, anywhere in the world. It gives you a way to find your friends, colleagues, and the people you follow on Twitter whether you are in the same or a different session and even figure out the events that are turning off or exciting those in attendance.
In other tech news,
Apple’s isn’t the only photo app that allows snooping. Apparently the Android app’s flaws take it to a new level.
Android apps flaw also allows photo snooping: Earlier this week, it was uncovered that iOS apps had a glitch tha… twurl.nl/frhfxy
Google’s got a new high tech invention in the works that opens the door on amazing possibilities – some of which have potential implications for civil liberties and privacy.
Report: Google to Release Head-Up Disply Glasses later this year, running Android & integrated w/GPS & Google Maps bit.ly/AmHFXL#hud
Shutter the thought: “Lytro” camera enables focusing photos after they’ve been snapped bit.ly/ABjlzv
If AT&T is your carrier for your smartphone, you’ll need to know about the latest on their data plan.
AT&T raises throttling threshold to 3GB on “unlimited” data plan: arst.ch/sot by @caseyjohnston
Awesome weekly roundup of news. Really interesting.