So you are starting your own business. Congratulations. Your pumped and you just know that your idea is the one to take you to a totally different tax bracket. Sure it will start slow, but it will pick up and you will be in the money! You’ll be able to stay at home and fix breakfast for your family. Go play golf while your business is just generating money in your bank account. Then you wake up from your dream and step into reality. That is what John Bradberry is going to do for you. Give you a reality check. Have you seen that skit on Saturday Night Live with Kenan Thompson like Scared Straight. Well this here is real! Startup Passion Smack-Down is John’s panel where he is going to show you the truth about what you’re getting yourself into.
“a lot of new founders I come across are hyper-passionate but under-prepared. They see the future through rose-colored glasses, over-estimating all the good things that can happen and minimizing or completely dismissing any negative possibilities.”
John Bradberry wants you to see entrepreneurship for what it really is. He wants to show you what you are heading into so that you can be better prepared and more likely to succeed. John is going to show you how to be passionate and use scrutiny to improve your startups potential. Here is a fact John revealed when I asked him why this is such an important topic, “Among the minority of entrepreneurs who keep their business running for 10 years or more, the vast majority work longer hours, endure greater stress, and earn less— about 35 percent less—than they would have if they’d kept working for someone else.” Yeah what do you think about that. That quote alone should make you attend his panel. I’ll be there. John has two things he wants people to leave his panel with:1) Help the audience better understand the double-edged nature of entrepreneurial passion — how our deep belief in an idea (a product, service, technology, business model, etc.) can actually blind or deafen us to important sources of new data and opinion. 2) This session is intended as a workshop and not a theoretical exercise. Using a model for improving venture performance that has come from my study of, and work with startup founders over the years, I will help participants identify at least one specific strategy for improving their odds of startup success.
John is founding partner of Ready Founder Services (ReadyFounder.com), a consulting and education firm based in Charlotte, NC.
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