Preview: Salary Tutor – Become a Salary Negotiation Rock Star

Landed the perfect job? Ready to negotiate a salary? If so, Jim Hopkinson’s panel, “Salary Tutor: Become a Salary Negotiation Rock Star,” can help you obtain the critical skill of salary negotiation.

Hopkinson is a career developer, author of the book Salary Tutor and podcaster of “The Hopkinson Report,” where he advises people on salary negotiation. He also runs the Reboot Workshop, which assists people in transitioning from full-time jobs to independent careers. Hopkinson is also the former marketing director at

“The first step of negotiation is doing your homework and knowing the salary range for the job you are going for. If that number is not listed in the job description, one of the best ways to determine range is reaching out to your network for assistance. Social media sites like LinkedIn help you connect with friends and colleagues in your industry,” says Hopkinson.

Hopkinson’s panel will  outline key points of his book, Salary Tutor through the use of storytelling, case studies, illustrations and FBI negotiation techniques.

“While many people focus on the bottom-line salary, I always remind people to look at the big picture, including on the job benefits (health care, vacation time, job title) and the intangibles (commute, work-life balance, great co-workers, and doing something you love),” states Hopkinson.

The inspiration of his book derived from his professional and personal experiences. He indicates that people would generally seek him for resume and interview inquiries. Thus, in assisting others, he found that salary negotiation resources were scarce or complex to understand.

“Parents rarely teach it [negotiation skills], money is often a taboo subject among friends, and there’s no way your employer is going to help you out. So I decided to write a book based on my experience and research, using an easy-to-follow storytelling approach, along with case studies, illustrations, and the right touch of humor.”

Hopkinson’s panel offers a great opportunity to any individual seeking to enhance their salary negotiation skills. Hence, this is a beneficial session that will help you better your career by teaching you the logistics of salary negotiation for your next promotion or salary increase.

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