March 2012

You can take the techie out of Burning Man...

On Saturday a group of polite, modestly dressed adults gathered in the Colorado Room of the Garden Hilton where they stood around chatting. A man looked out the rain streaked window and commented on how fast the city has changed. Aside from one woman with pink hair, it looked and felt like every other professional […]

David Plotz, Editor of Slate Magazine and Evan Ratliff, Founder & Editor of The Atavist discussed how long-form journalism can prevail in this age of 140 characters or less. Plotz and Ratliff offered examples of how they utilize consumer interaction and engagement to drive traffic.

Turning Slacktivism into Online Activism

Boyd Neil, a former political activist and trade unionist, spoke on the importance of utilizing the internet to help fuel social movements. Neil, a self-proclaimed “left-wing activist,” was arrested during a demonstration in Cananda on the one year anniversary of the War Measures Act, a “fascist” law (as he called it) that limited the freedom […]

Erasing Lines Between Physical and Digital Worlds

Integrating technology into daily routine has been adopted by many different companies’ products in hopes of reaching consumers in a innovative way. Some areas of interest in the convergence of the digital world and the real world discussed were the areas of gaming and health. Location based gaming was the main focus of discussion about […]