Japanese style of animation or Anime has grown from a small niche market of viewers to more ever growing and evolving audience.
Another trend within the world of outrageous hairdo’s and intense action within this world of Anime is the collaboration between different forms of media.
Justin Rojas, Social Media Specialist FUNimation, said FUNimation is currently working with various artist and producers to incorporate more forms of media into the production of Animes in the U.S.
“Creating soundtracks for an [anime] film is not about licesing music but talking with artist and producers to work with and contract their music,” Craig Crossley SVP New Media & Business Dev Crossley Media/Smith Global said.
The growing normalization of Anime into the U.S. mainstream culture also affected the culture of the media’s country of origin, Japan.
“People in Japan are more ashamed to be anime lovers,” said NicoNico Anime Specialist Ryo Yamaguchi. “They tend to hid e the fact that they like anime whereas Americans are more open to things.”