Everyone has heard of the famous James Brown song “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”. The song seems to be a good theme for the business world also. You rarely see, read, or hear about women in the world of business. That is beginning to change.
Women are making strides in the business world. Many are beginning to start their own companies. That is what the session Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Backwards in Heels is about. The rise of female entrepreneurship. The session is not only about the rise in female entrepreneurship, but also how many of the businesses are successes. These women have no regards to industry either, with successful business in everything from e-commerce to healthcare. Entrepreneurship is no longer just a man’s world; women are coming and building successful businesses on their own.

I asked one of the panels speakers, Michelle Zatlyn, what it was that she really wanted attendees to leave with when they walk out of the session. She responded,”For our panel, we want attendees to walk away with the confidence to pursue their personal dreams, whether it is starting a company, moving to a new city or changing industries.” Now Michelle herself is a female entrepreneur, she is the Co-Founder & Head of User Experience at the web performance and security company, CloudFlare. This allows her to be able to share some of her personal experiences with attendees on how she started her company and made it into a success. Michele will be joined on the panel by Jennifer Hyman, CEO & Co-Founder of Rent the Runway a premier designer dress rental destination and Kara Swisher Co-Executive Editor at All things Digital. It promises to be an informative panel with the speakers sharing what females are doing today to build these successful business against all odds. I’m sure that panel title is a figure of speech so heels are optional.