March 2011

Fireside Chat with Jason Calacanis and Tim O'Reilly

Well, there wasn’t fire, but that didn’t cool down the excitement for the first big chat of SXSW Interactive. This featured event delivered on the big idea philosophy right off the bat. Publisher Tim O’Reilly, as interviewed by Web entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, spoke about “happy accidents” that turned out to be successes during his career, […]

Preview - RecycleMatch at Techies Can Save the World, Why Aren't They?

RecycleMatch is known as the “eBay of trash and recycling,” helping make use of industrial waste. How does it work? 1. Seller posts waste or recyclables 2. Buyers bid on materials 3. A Match is made … and one business’ trash efficiently becomes another business’ treasure. Brooke Farrell (@brookebf), the CMO and Founder of RecycleMatch, […]