The title of this panel was a bit misleading in that CSS 3 doesn’t even exist yet. Reps from Mozilla, Opera, and Microsoft appeared and showed off the new CSS features they’re working on for CSS 3. Apple was dubiously absent yet again, even after repeated invitations. However, to make up for it, apparently the godfather of CSS was in attendance, Mr. Hakon Wium Lie.
Sylvain Galineau of Microsoft told a great anecdote about how they use community test suites because for some reason people don’t trust them when they only use their own. There was a lot of good natured joking around among the panelists, which was great to see from fierce rivals.
Its impossible to describe what exactly the new CSS features are without you seeing it for yourself. Suffice it to say there are some very exciting things happening in the world of CSS. David Baron of Mozilla posted examples of the new features here. Molly Holzschlag, president of Opera promised to post all of the examples on her site molly.com. The panelists also recommended taking a look at Snook.ca.
Is it me, or does the guy in the blue shirt look like Jon?