After the Mexican Manifesto, I attended the panel MASH Notes: A Military Surgeon’s Videoblog from Iraq. A United States Navy trauma surgeon shares his experience caring for combat casualties in Ramadi, Iraq during a seven month stretch of the Iraq War. He describes the challenges in caring for critically wounded American troops, Iraqi civilians and […]

I defer you to Dee’s post about the content of Jane’s aw3some speech and my thoughts on that. Thus, all I have here is a youtube clip from the premier of her latest ARG trailer. Enjoy!

How Piracy Will Save the Music Industry in a nutshell… sort of. Jason Schwartz of Angelsoft records. He described a clandestine Fight Club type group called “The Scene” who are responsible for the best quality and first released pirated content. These are people who are deeply embedded within the entertainment system. According to Schwarts, the […]

me: Jane McGonigal chatJonathan: YES!!me: So what do you think of her so far?Jonathan: So, happiness is the new capital?me: Is that sarcasm?Jonathan: I really think her ideas are innovativeme: Because she’s awesomeHahah okay goodI really love that she is talking about how happiness is definedJonathan: yes, it’s really neat to think that gaming is […]

You heard it here first. Videos to come of her general awesomeness and also, a chat transcript between the infamous Jon Zmikly and I as we watched Jane’s keynote. Stay tuned!!———————————————————————————-Edit: Thoughts after her Keynote I still maintain that Jane is awesome and her keynote was great but there are a couple of points I […]

Video on demand (VOD) as a distribution model for content. TiVo has already done that, by allowing a linear platform to shift the content to another time frame. How can that time shifting of content such as VODs be done to monetize the content being created by users. It is in the early stage to […]