
How Can We End Gamergate?

Can fandoms fix the gender gap in technology and computing fields? This was the question Jessica McDonald, CMO of SparkFun Electronics, asked at her Sunday SXSW Interactive panel of the same name. Fandoms are communities, often largely online, which come together in mutual admiration of various comics, anime and/or video games.  They may share fan-fiction, […]

Jane McGonigal not only has a PhD, but she creates games that improve people’s lives! On top of that, she’s the New York Times bestselling author of Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.

Top 5 SXSWi Gaming Panels: Calling all Gamers!

Once considered “unhip” and “nerdy”, gaming has soared on the gust of innovation created by the ever-expanding web 2.0 bubble. “Gaming is similar to writing, in that both are private, creative activities very different to watching films or reading books, which involve less input,” says Play-write Lucy Prebble in a Telegraph article by Nick Collins. […]