
How Adaptive Design is Transforming Brands Panelists, From left. Melissa Langley of Ottobock, Paralympian Scout Bassett, fashion designer Mindy Scheier and Molly Kettle of Zappos.

Last weekend I sat in on a panel titled How Adaptive Design is Transforming Brands. As the name suggests, this panel was about adaptive design, but more specifically the role the fashion industry has in the drive towards accessibility and inclusion. For those that aren’t familiar with the term, adaptive design here refers to the […]

Moonshots Through Failure

Today Astro Teller talked about how to shoot for the metaphorical moon by failing up. “I fear thoughts that fear technology. You have to approach the changing world with knowledge and confidence, not fear.” Teller talked about bringing the internet to the world with balloons designed to fail… … and self driving cars that learn […]

How Can We End Gamergate?

Can fandoms fix the gender gap in technology and computing fields? This was the question Jessica McDonald, CMO of SparkFun Electronics, asked at her Sunday SXSW Interactive panel of the same name. Fandoms are communities, often largely online, which come together in mutual admiration of various comics, anime and/or video games.  They may share fan-fiction, […]

BIG Health Data & HIPAA

When trying to understand the many different view points on Health data being at a place like SXSW is very helpful. The panel Why HIPAA Won’t Save You covered a verity of topics ranging from the patients, the health care companies to the scientific researchers who will use this data. How to keep everyone’s health […]

Well Designed: Creating Empathy-Driven Products

“Where do great products come from?” This was one of the first questions Jon Kolko, the Founder and Director of the Austin Center for Design and Vice President of Consumer Design at Blackboard, asked the audience at his Friday-morning SXSW Interactive panel, Well-Designed: Creating Empathy Driven Products. “Is it vision?  Process?  Or just hard work?” He continued […]