
America Meet World: Jokes, Quotes & Anecdotes

Jokes, quotes, and anecdotes from some of the world’s top global satirists in today’s panel, “America Meet World: How Global Satirists See Us.” Who They Were: (And still are.) Anuvab Pal is a world-renowned stand-up comedian, screenwriter and playwright from Mumbai, India. Dubbed “India’s most intelligent stand-up comic” by the New York Times. David Kibuuka, originally […]

5 Digital Habits to Rock Your Brand

Erik Qualman, known for his books “Digital Leader,” “Socialnomics” and “What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube” (along with the incredibly popular Socialnomics video series) talked to a packed house Saturday about five habits all digital leaders share. As he outlined in his book “Digital Leader,” the keys to being a leader in the digital […]

BIG Health Data & HIPAA

When trying to understand the many different view points on Health data being at a place like SXSW is very helpful. The panel Why HIPAA Won’t Save You covered a verity of topics ranging from the patients, the health care companies to the scientific researchers who will use this data. How to keep everyone’s health […]

Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?

In today’s SXSW Interactive panel, “Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?” AP Social Media Editor Eric Carvin succinctly summed up a new sentiment many legacy news organizations are realizing regarding social media: “Social networks need us more than we need them.” Joined by fellow panelists Allison Lichter, social media editor of the Wall Street […]

Tina Craig of Bag Snob has Advice for Bloggers

“A lot of people now want to start blogs because they want to be famous, they want to get rich […] they want to have a brand…Those are all the wrong reasons to start anything.” Tina Craig, blogger extraordinaire of Bag Snob fame, shared this tidbit of advice during the question and answer portion of […]