AR Hacking My Way Out Of Deep Depression

Yosun Chang is no novice when it comes to computer hacking. She has participated in and won multiple hackathons, such as the AT&T IoT Hackathon. In her panel, AR Hacking My Way Out Of Deep Depression, Chang discussed how creating 300 augmented reality hacks pulled her out of her slump.

Unlike many panelists, Chang had no interest in using a ridged and stiff PowerPoint. Her entire presentation was done live, with dozens of augmented reality demos cast right from her iPhone.

“It’s all about software innovation instead of some sort of hidden hardware,” Chang said.

Many people assume that augmented reality requires special computer hardware, but the fact of the matter is, Chang was able to do perform all of her AR hacks from a ubiquitous device.

Her examples were incredibly impressive and fun, albeit quirky. Everything in her AR hacks moved and adapted.

Chang initially presented a simple demo in which her iPhone casted a 3D animation of a person and skyscraper on a piece of paper. Soon, she made it more complex, by adding color, blinking eyes, simulated weather, zero-calorie deserts and, at one point, she even made a tiger explode on screen.

Depression comes in many forms, and in her case, it was depression caused by creative frustration.

Chang said she realized that to pull herself out of her deep depression, she would need need bursts of creative hacking. To encourage this creativity, she had to hold her own personal hackathons.

“I really enjoy making hacks,” she said. “I like to see what I can make in 24 hours. I’m more like a mad scientist.”

It’s very easy to reach out to Yosun Chang on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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