Preview: Digital Parenting: Raising Balanced Innovators

We live in an era where kids as young as six three and four browse the Internet. And most of us are aware of that being the most popular pastime. However, at that young age and even older, 11 or 12, are children fully able to balance their usage? Do they know when to take a break, eat, sleep and interact with family members?

Shelley Prevost, one of the panelists for Digital Parenting: Raising Balanced Innovators is the CEO of Torch, “the router for digital parenting.”

In this interview Shelley gives us some suggestions as to how parents can raise balanced innovators. The positive usage of Torch enables parents to learn more about their kids based on the websites and videos they keep going to. Using Torch you might be able to see that your child keeps watching videos on cooking. Then as the parent, you are able to use that knowledge and take your child to cooking lessons or bake with them at home, enriching your interactions together.


When and Where:
Friday, March 11
3:30PM – 5:30PM
JW Marriott – Salon 8/ 110 E 2nd St

Find out more: Digital Parenting: Raising Balanced Innovators

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