How Can We End Gamergate?

Can fandoms fix the gender gap in technology and computing fields?

jessicaThis was the question Jessica McDonald, CMO of SparkFun Electronics, asked at her Sunday SXSW Interactive panel of the same name.

Fandoms are communities, often largely online, which come together in mutual admiration of various comics, anime and/or video games.  They may share fan-fiction, trivia or analysis on favorite characters or plot points.  They might engage in elaborate cosplay – where fans create replica costumes of their favorite figures, often to wear to comic and video game conventions.

They also might code.

A phenomenon that happens with surprising regularity is the remarkably intricate digital sanctuaries these fans create for themselves and others.

McDonald surveyed Tumblr users who participated in fandom communities on their technology experience and engagement.  Many had learned beyond basic coding and programming skills simply in order to customize their personal websites, blogs, or fan pages to their liking.

She found that engaging young women in fan activities for these traditionally “geeky” entertainment outlets provided a safe space for the women to learn coding skills and interact with STEM technology in a comfortable way.

SXTX State spoke with McDonald about the fact that while certain fandoms have embraced women participants, particularly when elaborate costume play is involved, others have continued to push back.

Gamergate is the name of a movement within the video gaming community which began with the stated purpose of pursuing higher standards of journalistic ethics in terms of gaming reviews.  These accusations have largely been panned and the movement has been, instead, an excuse for male gamers to aggressively harass and intimidate women in the gaming community.  gamergate

Women have had their online accounts hacked, deleted, or overwhelmed with horrific comments.  They have repeatedly been threatened with rape and physical harm.

While McDonald does believe that “fangirls are supergirls” and fandoms can be a way to inspire young women to believe in their technological abilities, she spoke with SXTX State about the difficulties the gaming community, one with infinite fandom potential, poses for women.

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