Civics & Superheroes

Stories are powerful, just how and why all depends on the story . Christian Blauvelt is the Deputy Editor for Culture at the BBC. Christian’s thoughts on the new mainstream of comic book movies have a lot to do with the messaging in each film and what comments each of them make about our society. They may not say anything definitive, the films may simply ask questions relevant to our times, such as Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight.

Getting to follow up with Christian, he talks about how the symbols which superheroes embody can take affect in us or not. Sorry to any Man of Steel fans, Christian thinks it could have been better.

The X-Men have gone from an allegory for civil rights with Professor X embodying Dr. King and Magneto a a fictional version of Malcolm X to the fight to live openly as their true selves, the same as the LGBT community.

These stories reach their society challenging zenith with Captain America 2.

In the end, the great mantra of “with great power comes great responsibility,” it is the responsibility that interests us.

And don’t forget the obligatory questions the SXTXstate team got to ask. Science and inspiration all in one.


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