Think Content First, Navigation Second

In this digital age, everyone is jumping on the digital bandwagon and wanting to be online. Rightfully so! Any company or organization worth its’ salt knows that in order to survive, you must evolve, adapt and embrace change! However, one fundamental thing still remains the same. Content is King!

Jon Setzen is a Creative Director and Designer based in Los Angeles, California. His panel emphasized the need for good, engaging content, no matter the medium.

The key to good content, it would seem, come down to two things – being human and giving your audience the information that they are looking for. When approaching a redesign of a website, do not automatically go for a high-tech swanky flashy design that will wow your audience but not engage in your product. Instead, think of the information that your audience wants and present that with an approachable human touch.

At the end of the day, the medium may have changed, but nothing replaces good, quality content.

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