Preview: Behavioral Intelligence: Mobile’s New Frontier

The drive for mobile personalization is on. The data is there, but how do you know what to do with it? Jim Mcarthur from Digitaria hopes to help you figure out the next step in mobile personalization at the workshop he will be running during SXSW: “Behavioral Intelligence: Mobile’s New Frontier.”

What the workshop hopes to accomplish is how do you derive value out of the hyper segmenting and analytics you have from the data available with users on mobile devices.


“It’s become the elephant in the room but context is key,” Jim stresses. Context is everything. Think about if you see someone walking with an armful of groceries sweating and tired. You’re not going to go up to them and try to start a conversation. That’s what personalization is. It’s about knowing where they are and where they came from and where they’re going next. Context is everything Jim stresses again. The next step he says is going to be to aggregate mobile experiences and connect them to your real life.

The workshop is hosted by Team Detroit: a group of five global agencies, Ogilvy, JWT, Y&R, Wunderman, & Mindshare.

Additional workshop members will include: Doug Stovall and Tony Vechhiato.

The panel will take place on Friday March 7th at 12:30 PM

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