Are PR Agencies a Dying Breed?

Moderator Karly Hand (Owner, Karly Hand) started the panel asking members of the audience what PR questions they wanted answered. Panelists Erin Portman (Consultant, Erin Portman PR), Brain Solis (PR 2.0) and Peter Shankman (president, HARO) introduced themselves by giving a brief description on what they do in the world on PR. Most of the discussion was focused on building a brand online through social networking. PR Panel

On the topic of Twitter the panelists said:

Shankman- “Good PR people have been saying this for years, your goal is no longer to do your own PR, but to have other people do it for you; Twitter is the perfect tool. Press releases as we know them will be dead. People are doing PR for themselves now. Agencies that are smart are dedicating people to read the blogosphere and monitor the Twitter wiki. Twitter makes sense for every brand in the world.

Solis- “You are the brand you represent. Say something worth retweeting, say something that makes me want to follow you.”

Portman- “It is necessary for other people to tweet about you. Social networks are now used more than email, it is shocking that some people aren’t using it.”

The panel also gave advice on the effective use of PR in the social network realm. “Apply todays metric systems to new ways of communicating,” said Solis. “Harper on listening.” He recommended tracking activity through a filter box such as People Browsr . “Own your own name on all networks-grab it, own it, sit on it,” said Shankman. If you need help learning the ins and outs of social networks ask interns and college students, suggested Shankman. “Find someone that knows, let them teach you, know everything you can,” said Shankman. Portman added, “If you aren’t being proactive you aren’t getting your message out there.”

1 Comment

  1. Social networking and internet have completely changed public relations. My first few semesters as a communications major only slightly touched on Facebook and MySpace and the consequences of having your information out there. Now everyone is trying to put their information out there by using these social networks. I find it interesting that something that was once considered a waste of time is now a driving force in new media.

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