Video Production for the Web & Mobile Devices

Two topics where discussed: what it means to produce content for several platforms and technical constraints when producing video online.

Meil works for currenttv, and oversees a few units of content production. Content acquisitions, and vc squared which is user generated content. Al Gore-chairman of current.

Todd-worked for,, Msn music. Started ispot, became marketing arm for studios.

Jason Nunes-worked as a broadcast designer in San Francisco. Recruited to join BBC consulting. Works for Adobe systems and as well as Podopera, which foucuses on user generated stories.

Blumenthal-producer, worked for Sputnik 7, among others. Works with Microsoft on a project.

Todd-toured Vietnam and Cambodia- In Hanoi hotel desk clerk watching clips using Microsoft media center. People are consuming media in very different ways. Told the story of an old lady rowing him down river in a boat whips Nokia phone and texts someone. min episodes. They ask the audience to vote on what happens next, have no idea what’s going to happen next. Have to be very fast with production and editing, and distribution. Had to deal with struggles with lcd content which ultimately led to development of a voting system.

Todd-worked on filmocracy, using online video mashup concept but wanted to go beyond what’s been going on in the mashup arena.

Meil-no one has figured out good model for mobile video content in terms of revenue.

Todd-Ispot, told users to do whatever you want with content.

Meil-u still have crap, but its allowing people to express new forms of content and there is a bit of compelling content.

Nunes-mentioned Long Tail.

Meil-most content is created to make sense on both platforms-tv and the web. T.V. has well understood ad model, web video-still a tough nut to crack. Utilize interactivity to create community around content. Not a lot of successful examples of web specific platform. If current didn’t have T.V. business model, couldn’t do as well with paying people for video. We’re not there yet in terms of monetizing online video.

Todd-cultura-competitor with ispot, based on groups working together. They have tools to help you use it.


Nunes-many obstacles to putting video to mobile devices.

Meil-is content compelling? engage, interact, watch content.
Cooper Cherry

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